Issue Asset
Create an asset on the exchange. POST only.
Request: Refer to Create Transaction Request for common parameters.
- requestType is issueAsset
- name is the name of the asset
- description is a url-encoded description of the asset in UTF-8 with a maximum length of 1000 bytes (optional)
- quantityQNT is the total amount (in QNT) of the asset in existence
- decimals is the number of decimal places used by the asset (optional, zero default)
Response: Refer to Create Transaction Response. The transaction ID is also the asset ID.### 5.29 Place Order
Place an asset order. POST only.
Request: Refer to Create Transaction Request for common parameters.
- requestType is either placeBidOrder or placeAskOrder
- asset is the asset ID of the asset being ordered
- quantityQNT is the amount (in QNT) of the asset being ordered
- priceTQT is the bid/ask price (in TQT)
Response: Refer to Create Transaction Response.The transaction ID is also the order ID.