Create Transaction Request
The following HTTP POST parameters are common to all API calls that create transactions:
- secretPhrase is the secret passphrase of the account (optional, but transaction neither signed nor broadcast if omitted)
- publicKey is the public key of the account (optional if secretPhrase provided)
- feeTQT is the fee (in TQT) for the transaction
- deadline is the deadline (in minutes) for the transaction to be confirmed, 32767 minutes maximum
- referencedTransactionFullHash creates a chained transaction, meaning that the current transaction cannot be confirmed unless the referenced transaction is also confirmed (optional)
- broadcast is set to false to prevent broadcasting the transaction to the network (optional)
Note: An optional arbitrary message can be appended to any transaction by adding message-related parameters as in Send Message.
Note: Any phasing-safe transaction can have its execution deferred either conditionally or unconditionally