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Get Constants

Get all defined constants.


  • requestType is getConstants


  • maxBlockPayloadLength (N) is the maximum block payload length (in bytes)
  • maxArbitraryMessageLength (N) is the maximum length (in bytes) of an arbitrary message
  • maxPrunableMessageLength (N) is the maximum length (in bytes) of a prunable message
  • maxTaggedDataDataLength (N) is the maximum length (in bytes) of tagged data
  • maxPhasingDuration (N) is the maximum allowed phasing duration in block height
  • epochBeginning (N) is the time in milliseconds when genesis block was created
  • genesisAccountId (S) is the genesis account number
  • genesisBlockId (S) is the genesis block ID
  • transactionTypes (A) is an array of defined transaction types and subtypes (refer to the example below)
  • transactionSubTypes (A) is an array of defined transaction subtypes and subtypes (refer to the example below)
  • peerStates (A) is an array of defined peer states (refer to the example below)
  • currencyTypes (A) is an array of defined currency types (refer to the example below)
  • disabledAPIs (A) is an array of configured disabled apis (refer to the example below)
  • apiTags (A) is an array of defined api tags (refer to the example below)
  • disabledAPITags (A) is an array of configured disabled api tags (refer to the example below)
  • votingModels (A) is an array of defined voting models (refer to the example below)
  • holdingTypes (A) is an array of defined holding types (refer to the example below)
  • minBalanceModels (A) is an array of defined minimum balance models (refer to the example below)
  • shufflingStages (A) is an array of defined shuffling stages (refer to the example below)
  • shufflingParticipantStates (A) is an array of defined shuffling participant states (refer to the example below)
  • hashAlgorithms (A) is an array of defined hash algorithms (refer to the example below)
  • mintingHashAlgorithms (A) is an array of defined minting hash algorithms (refer to the example below)
  • phasingHashAlgorithms (A) is an array of defined phasing hash algorithms (refer to the example below)
  • requestTypes (A) is an array of decined request types (refer to the example below)