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Get State

Get the state of the server node and network.


  • requestType is getState
  • includeCounts is true if the fields beginning with numberOf… are to be included (optional); password protected like the Debug Operations if true.


  • numberOfPeers (N) is the number of known peers on the network
  • numberOfPolls (N) is the number of polls in the blockchain
  • numberOfUnlockedAccounts (N) is the number of unlocked accounts on this node
  • numberOfTransfers (N) is the number of AE transfers in the blockchain
  • includeExpiredPrunable (B) is the value of the xin.includeExpiredPrunable property
  • numberOfOrders (N) is the number of AE orders in the blockchain
  • numberOfTransactions (N) is the number of transactions in the blockchain
  • maxMemory (N) is the maximum amount of memory the node may use (in Bytes)
  • maxRollback (N) is the value of the xin.maxRollback property
  • numberOfOffers (N) is the number of buy currency offers in the blockchain
  • isDownloading (B) is true if a download is in progress, false otherwise; true when a batch of more than 10 blocks at once has been downloaded from a peer, reset to false when an attempt to download more blocks from a peer does not result in any new blocks
  • isScanning (B) is true if this node is scanning the blockchain, false otherwise
  • cumulativeDifficulty (S) is the current cumulative forging difficulty
  • numberOfCurrencies (N) is the number of currencies in the blockchain
  • numberOfAssets (N) is the number of AE assets in the blockchain
  • numberOfPrunableMessages (N) is the number of prunable messages in the blockchain
  • freeMemory (N) is the amount of free memory on this node (in Bytes)
  • peerPort (N) is the port used for connecting to peers
  • numberOfVotes (N) is the number of votes in the blockchain
  • availableProcessors (N) is the number of processors on this node
  • numberOfTaggedData (N) is the number of tagged data in the blockchain
  • numberOfActiveAccountLeases (N) is the number of active account leases in the blockchain
  • numberOfAccountLeases (N) is the total number of account leases including scheduled leases (first scheduled lease only) in the blockchain
  • numberOfAccounts (N) is the number of accounts in the blockchain
  • numberOfDataTags (N) is the number of data tags in the blockchain
  • needsAdminPassword (B) is true if the xin.disableAdminPassword property is false
  • currentMinRollbackHeight (N) is the current minimum rollback height
  • numberOfBlocks (N) is the number of blocks (height + 1) in the blockchain
  • isTestnet (B) is true if the node is connected to testnet, false otherwise
  • numberOfCurrencyTransfers (N) is the number of currency transfers in the blockchain
  • requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
  • numberOfPhasedTransactions (N) is the number of phased transactions in the blockchain
  • version (S) is the software version on this node
  • numberOfBidOrders (N) is the number of AE bid orders in the blockchain
  • lastBlock (S) is the last block address
  • totalMemory (N) is the amount of memory this node is using (in Bytes)
  • application (S) is the name of the software running on this node (typically NRS)
  • numberOfAliases (N) is the number of aliases in the blockchain
  • numberOfActivePeers (N) is the number of active peers on the network
  • lastBlockchainFeederHeight (N) is the height of the last blockchain feeder
  • maxPrunableLifetime (N) is the maximum prunable lifetime (in seconds)
  • numberOfExchanges (N) is the number of currency exchanges in the blockchain
  • numberOfTrades (N) is the number of AE trades in the blockchain
  • time (N) is the current node time (in seconds since the genesis block)
  • numberOfAskOrders (N) is the number of AE ask orders in the blockchain
  • lastBlockchainFeeder (S) is the announced name of the feeder of the last blockchain
  • isOffline (B) is true if this node is connected to other peers, false otherwise

Note: AE is Asset Exchange