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Get Transaction

Get a transaction object given a transaction ID.


  • requestType is getTransaction
  • transaction is the transaction ID (optional)
  • fullHash is the full hash of the transaction (optional if transaction ID is provided)
  • includePhasingResult is true to retrieve execution status of each phased transaction (optional)
  • requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
  • requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)


  • sender (S) is the account ID of the sender
  • senderRS (S) is the Reed-Solomon address of the sender
  • feeTQT (S) is the fee (in TQT) of the transaction
  • amountTQT (S) is the amount (in TQT) of the transaction
  • transactionIndex (N) is a zero-based index giving the order of the transaction in its block
  • timestamp (N) is the time (in seconds since the genesis block) of the transaction
  • referencedTransactionFullHash (S) is the full hash of a transaction referenced by this one, omitted if no previous transaction is referenced
  • confirmations (N) is the number of transaction confirmations
  • subtype (N) is the transaction subtype
  • block (S) is the ID of the block containing the transaction
  • blockTimestamp (N) is the timestamp (in seconds since the genesis block) of the block
  • height (N) is the height of the block in the blockchain
  • senderPublicKey (S) is the public key of the sending account for the transaction
  • type (N) is the transaction type
  • deadline (N) is the deadline (in minutes) for the transaction to be confirmed
  • signature (S) is the digital signature of the transaction
  • recipient (S) is the account number of the recipient, if applicable
  • recipientRS (S) is the Reed-Solomon address of the recipient, if applicable
  • fullHash (S) is the full hash of the signed transaction
  • signatureHash (S) is a SHA-256 hash of the transaction signature
  • approved (B) is a boolean indicating if the transaction is approved (only included when includePhasingResult is true and the transaction is phased)
  • result (S) is a string containing the result of the transaction (only included when includePhasingResult is true and the transaction is phased)
  • executionHeight (N) is the height the transaction was executed (only included when includePhasingResult is true and the transaction is phased)
  • transaction (S) is the transaction ID
  • version (N) is the transaction version number
  • phased (B) is true if the transaction is phased, false otherwise
  • ecBlockId (N) is the economic clustering block ID
  • ecBlockHeight (N) is the economic clustering block height
  • attachment (O) is an object containing any additional data needed for the transaction, if applicable
  • lastBlock (S) is the last block ID on the blockchain (applies if requireBlock is provided but not requireLastBlock)
  • requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)

Note: The block, blockTimestamp and confirmations fields are omitted for unconfirmed transactions. Double-spending transactions are not retrieved.