Cast Vote
Cast a vote on a poll. POST only.
Request: Refer to Create Transaction Request for common parameters.
- requestType is castVote
- poll is the poll ID
- vote00 is an integer within the allowed range to vote for option (answer) 0 (optional if minNumberOfOptions met, default is -128)
- vote01 is an integer within the allowed range to vote for option (answer) 1 (optional if minNumberOfOptions met, default is -128)
- vote02 is an integer within the allowed range to vote for option (answer) 2 (optional if minNumberOfOptions met, default is -128)
Note: The allowed vote values are integers between minRangeValue and maxRangeValue, inclusive. This range, along with the minimum and maximum number of options that can and must be voted on are specified when the poll is created. Refer to Create Poll.
Response: Refer to Create Transaction Response.