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Get Account Ledger Entry

Get a specific account ledger entry.


  • requestType is getAccountLedgerEntry
  • ledgerId is the ledger ID
  • includeTransactions is true to retrieve transaction details, otherwise only transaction IDs are retrieved (optional)
  • includeHoldingInfo is true to retrieve asset or currency info (optional) with the ledger entry. The default is false.


  • change (S) is the change in the balance for the holding identified by ‘holdingType’
  • eventType (S) is the event type causing the account change
  • ledgerId (S) is the ledger entry ID
  • holding (S) is the item identifier for an asset or currency balance
  • isTransactionEvent (B) is true if the event is associated with a transaction and false if it is associated with a block.
  • balance (S) is the balance for the holding identified by ‘holdingType’
  • holdingType (S) is the item being changed (account balance, asset balance or currency balance)
  • accountRS (S) is the Reed-Solomon address of the account
  • block (S) is the block ID that created the ledger entry
  • event (S) is the block or transaction associated with the event
  • account (S) is the account number
  • height (N) is the the block height associated with the event
  • timestamp (N) is the the block timestamp associated with the event
  • requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)