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Get Peer

Get information about a given peer.


  • requestType is getPeer
  • peer is the IP address or domain name of the peer (plus optional port)


  • hallmark (S) is the hex string of the peer’s hallmark, if it is defined
  • downloadedVolume (N) is the number of bytes downloaded by the peer
  • address (S) the IP address or DNS name of the peer
  • weight (N) is the peer’s weight value
  • uploadedVolume (N) is the number of bytes uploaded by the peer
  • version (S) is the version of the software running on the peer
  • platform (S) is a string representing the peer’s platform
  • lastUpdated (N) is the timestamp (in seconds since the genesis block) of the last peer status update
  • blacklisted (B) is true if the peer is blacklisted
  • services (A) is an array of strings with the services the node provides
  • blacklistingCause (S) is the cause of blacklisting (if blacklisted is true)
  • announcedAddress (S) is the name that the peer announced to the network (could be a DNS name, IP address, or any other string)
  • application (S) is the name of the software application, typically NRS
  • state (N) defines the state of the peer: 0 for NON_CONNECTED, 1 for CONNECTED, or 2 for DISCONNECTED
  • shareAddress (B) is true if the address is allowed to be shared with other peers
  • inbound (B) is true if the peer has made a request to this node
  • inboundWebSocket (B) is true if an inbound websocket has been established from this node
  • outboundWebSocket (B) is true if an outbound websocket has been established to this node
  • lastConnectAttempt (B) is the timestamp (in seconds since the genesis block) of the last connection attempt to the peer
  • requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)