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Create Poll

Create a new poll. POST only.

Request: Refer to Create Transaction Request for common parameters.

  • requestType is createPoll
  • name is the name of the poll
  • description is the description of the poll, or the question to be answered
  • finishHeight is the block height when the poll is completed
  • votingModel is 0 for One Vote Per Account, 1 for Vote By XIN Balance, 2 for Vote By Asset Balance and 3 for Vote By Currency Balance
  • minNumberOfOptions is the minimum number of options (answers) that must be voted for
  • maxNumberOfOptions is the maximum number of options (answers) that can be voted for
  • minRangeValue is the minimum integer value for an option (answer) (>= 0)
  • maxRangeValue is the maximum integer value for an option (answer) (>= minRangeValue)
  • minBalance is the minimum balance (in TQT or QNT) required for voting (optional, default 0)
  • minBalanceModel is (required if minBalance > 0, must match votingModel when votingModel > 0)
    • 1 for XIN balance
    • 2 for an asset balance
    • 3 for a currency balance
  • holding is the asset or currency ID (required if minBalanceModel > 1)
  • option00 is the name of option (answer) 0
  • option01 is the name of option (answer) 1 (optional)
  • option02 is the name of option (answer) 2 (optional)

Response: Refer to Create Transaction Response. The transaction ID is also the poll ID.